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How does Messi keep the ball close to himself

The science of how Messi keeps the ball close to himself photo credit: ZaleDesigns Messi is a magician with the ball at his feet. He's in my opinion the best player in the sense that he can control the ball so well, runs so fast with the ball & changes the direction at full speed like it's a walk in the park. For starters he started playing very early (at 3) which is crucial if you want to be a good player. In that aspect, he's God gifted as he had dribble skills which is genetic in my opinion. Height He is short which means a low center of gravity so it's difficult to push him off the ball. That's why we see that anyone rarely can topple him down, instead players much larger than him lose possession to him. So his short height suits his style of play & is a blessing in disguise. Change of pace Messi changes his pace really well. He starts slow and runs directly at the defender which means the defender has to stop & focus on him. When he reac...

what are the branches of biology

 Branches of Biology

branches of biology
branches of biology

The following table illustrates the different branches of biology with their brief description −

AnatomyStudy of the internal structure of an organism
AerobiologyStudy of airborne microorganisms
AgronomyStudy of soil management and crop production
AgrostologyStudy of grasses
AraneologyStudy of spiders
ActinobiologyStudy of the effects of radiation upon living organisms
AngiologyStudy of the diseases of the circulatory system and of the lymphatic system
Bioinformaticsof collecting and analyzing complex biological data including genetic codes through computer technology
BiotechnologyUse of cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products, which ultimately help to improve human lives and the health of the planet.
BiochemistryStudy of chemical and physio-chemical processes and substances, which occur within the living organisms.
BatrachologyStudy of amphibians including frogs and toads
BioclimatologyStudy of the interactions between the biosphere and the Earth's atmosphere on time scales
BotanyStudy of plants
BryologyStudy of mosses and liverworts
CytologyStudy of the structure and function of plant and animal cells.
CryobiologyStudy of biological material or systems at temperatures below normal
ChromatologyStudy of colors
CetologyStudy of whales, dolphins, and porpoises
ChronobiologyStudy of periodic (cyclic) phenomena in living organisms
ConchologyStudy of mollusc shells
ChondrologyStudy of the cartilage
CraniologyStudy of the shape and size of the skulls of different human races
CardiologyStudy of the diseases and abnormalities of the heart
DendrologyStudy of trees
DermatologyStudy of skin
DesmologyStudy of structures and anatomy of ligaments
EmbryologyStudy of the prenatal development of gametes (sex cells), fertilization, and development of embryos and fetuses.
EcologyStudy of interactions among organisms and their environment
EthologyStudy of animal behaviors
EntomologyStudy of insects
Etiologystudy of causation, or origination (largely of diseases)
EpigeneticsStudy of the changes in a chromosome that affect gene activity and expression (specifically phenotype change and NOT genotype changes)
EthnobotanyStudy of a geographic region's plants and their possible uses through the traditional knowledge
ForestryStudy creating, managing, using, conserving, and repairing forests
GynaecologyStudy of medical practice that deals with the health of the female reproductive systems
GerontologyStudy of the process of ageing and old age problems
GeneticsStudy of genes, genetic variation, and heredity
GenecologyStudy of genetic variation of species and communities in comparison to their population
Genetic engineeringStudy of developing technique of direct manipulation of an organism's genome by using biotechnology
HorticultureStudy of practice of garden cultivation
HelminthologyStudy of parasitic worms
HerpetologyStudy of reptiles (including amphibians)
HepatologyStudy of liver
HaematologyStudy of blood, its problems and treatments
HistologyStudy of tissue
IchthyologyStudy of fishes
IchnologyStudy of traces of organismal behavior
KalologyStudy of beauty
LepidopterologyStudy of moths and the butterflies
LimnologyStudy of inland waters (emphasizing of biological, physical, and chemical features)
LimnobiologyStudy of animals and plants of fresh water
Molecular biologyStudy of the structure and function of the macromolecules (such as proteins and nucleic acids)
MalacologyStudy of the Mollusca
MycologyStudy of fungi
NephrologyStudy of kidney
NeurologyStudy of nervous system
OrnithologyStudy of birds
OphthalmologyStudy of eye
OsteologyStudy of skeleton system
PalaeozoologyStudy of animal fossils
PhysiologyStudy of normal functioning of living organisms
PathologyStudy of disease and a major field in modern medicine and diagnosis
PalaeobotanyStudy of plant fossils
PhycologyStudy of algae
PomologyStudy of fruits
PhrenologyStudy of specific functions of brain
SedimentologyStudy of sand, silt, clay, etc.
SerpentologyStudy of snakes
SaurologyStudy of lizards
SitologyStudy of food, diet, and nutrition
SpelaeologyStudy of caves
TaxonomyStudy of nomenclature (classification) of animals
TrophologyStudy of nutrition (for healthy health)
TraumatologyStudy of wounds and injuries caused by accidents (or violence)
ZoogeographyStudy of distribution of animals
ZymologyStudy of the biochemical process of fermentation and its practical uses
ZootechnyStudy of domestication of animals (includes breeding, genetics, nutrition, and housing)
ZoonosologyStudy of animal diseases'
ZoologyStudy of animals



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