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How does Messi keep the ball close to himself

The science of how Messi keeps the ball close to himself photo credit: ZaleDesigns Messi is a magician with the ball at his feet. He's in my opinion the best player in the sense that he can control the ball so well, runs so fast with the ball & changes the direction at full speed like it's a walk in the park. For starters he started playing very early (at 3) which is crucial if you want to be a good player. In that aspect, he's God gifted as he had dribble skills which is genetic in my opinion. Height He is short which means a low center of gravity so it's difficult to push him off the ball. That's why we see that anyone rarely can topple him down, instead players much larger than him lose possession to him. So his short height suits his style of play & is a blessing in disguise. Change of pace Messi changes his pace really well. He starts slow and runs directly at the defender which means the defender has to stop & focus on him. When he reac...

What is best time to study

         The Best Time To Study

what is the best time to study

When is the best time to study? this question has been debated for many years by students here is our answers

 Advantages of Daytime Studying 

day study

1. You'll likely have more energy and be able to concentrate the next day after a good night's sleep.

2. Because society is designed around being active during the day and resting at night, there are indisputable benefits to adhering to this standard, such as being able to visit the library or get a cup of coffee with a friend

3. Because most people are reachable during the day, it is easier to speak with your friends or teachers if you have any questions during the day.

4. Natural light is more beneficial to your eyes. Artificial light is harmful to our eyes and can disrupt our natural sleeping patterns.

 Advantages of Studying at Night

study at night

1. During the day, people are more active, noisier, and intense. It's just you and the night owls at night, so you can study in peace.

2. If you're lucky enough to live near a late-opening library, you'll find that it's nearly empty when you need to study late

3. There are less distractions at night than there are during the day. Your social networks will be less active because most of your pals are sleeping.

4. It is true that objects appear to change at night. The night can boost your creative productivity and help you perceive things in new ways.

 Tips for Studying at Night

If you know you study better at night, use the following advice to make the most of your chosen study time:

1. Create a Study Pattern: If you decide to study at night, don't do it on the spur of the moment; instead, create a study routine. This manner, your body will become accustomed to it, and you will be able to achieve the greatest potential academic results. Your body will go insane if you study for a few days and nights! Choose one and stick to it.

2. Get some rest: Just because you study at night doesn't mean you should sleep less. A well-rested mind is essential for successful study, so make sure you don't skimp on sleep by grabbing a few zzz's during the day.

3. Lighting: It happens to the best of us; we start studying in the evening and before we know it, it's nighttime and we're studying in the dark! Make certain that this does not become a regular occurrence. If you study at night, work in a well-lit environment to get the most out of your time.
